
In eastern teachings a Human being is depicted as a Wagon dragged by Horses. On top of the wagon sits a Man who tries to control the Horses. Inside the Wagon sits a Master who give orders to the Man where to drive. The Wagon is my Body. The Horses are my Emotions. The Man on top is my Mind. And the Master inside is my Soul. The links between these elements are as important as the constituents themselves for the Human Being to Be in Harmony.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The square wheel analogy

Usually when we get a sensory input our brain couples it to the memory bank and this is how we perceive the world around us. If we see a house we have seen before most of the data actually comes from the memory bank and only a fraction of the perception from the sensory input (the eyes in this case). What usually happens next is that this input starts a chain reaction in the memory bank through the couplings with the memory that was triggered by the sensory input. If we for example recognize a certain smell we couple to the situation where we recognize the smell from, then we start to think about the people that were there or something else coupled to that memory. This is an internal process in your memory bank and draws away attention and actually makes you perceive less of the world around you. To stay focused is to avoid unconscious chain reactions in you memory bank, without this background noise you will feel your sensory inputs much clearer. In fact your update frequency will rise and you will actually have more time at your disposal and your actions will therefore require less effort.

An analogy to this is pushing a wheel-chart with a square wheel on uneven ground. The flat surfaces on the "wheel" corresponds to the time spent in the memory bank between the sensory inputs (the input from the world around you). When you learn to stop the chain reaction in you memory, and turn your focus to the present, your wheel will become more and more round. When there is no other activity in the memory bank other than the registration of input you will be in a flow, with a different perception about time and your actions will more efficient and require less effort.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Next BIG change!

I have been too occupied with acquiring the right mindset.

I have now fully realized that you do not need to do anything in order to be what many would refer to as being enlightened. I would simply call it to be. All you need to do is to stop doing all unnecessary things you are doing. The knowledge and understanding that needs to be acquired and experienced is the recognition of these unnecessary things in yourself, your actions and your thoughts.

Once you have this understanding all you need to do is to stop doing stuff, and this is soo much easier that to start up some focus or state of mind. It takes no energy or effort at all. In fact it will instantly give you more energy, and you will feel it. This process can be compared with, and feels exactly like, carrying around a big heavy stone and then just let it fall down and walk freely without it. But without understanding you are carrying around this stone without even knowing it, wasting energy all in wain. It also makes you die younger.

The right mindset naturally comes when you stop the unnatural processes, exactly because it is natural.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Arrow: the Short Arrow... and related words

The shortest and most true Arrow is just one word "One". But to use it as an Arrow you need an almost fully developed understanding of the oneness of the universe. An arrow which works for me and is also very short is the phrase: Relaxed, Focus, of Love. Although being so short it still speaks to the 3 basic centres of the brain: the mental, the emotional and the body centre. But to use it as an arrow you need to have an understanding of what the centres are, what they are supposed to do and what their most natural state is.

That the Body should be as relaxed as possible in all situations is not hard to understand. Anything else causes an unnecessary energy waste and in many cases it also causes damage to the body over time.

The neutral state for the Mind is a state with no thoughts except for the treatment of input from our senses. If all other processes running in the brain are shut down you get a clearer and stronger input from your senses.

The neutral state of the emotional centre is NOT no feelings, it is actually the feeling of Love. But it is love alone, not love in combination with excitement.

When the 3 centres are working like this the human brain are working as it should and we are ready to perceive the oneness and unity of everything around us. And as always it also works the other way around. If something in our environment causes us to perceive the oneness then the brain start to work as it should, the body become relaxed and we feel love.

Living like this will keep the body and mind in good condition for a long time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Arrow: the four commands

The past year or so I have been going through a lot of Arrows (the kind of Arrows explained in the preceding post), the Arrows have been everything from phrases like "Remember yourself" amd "I Am" to actions like stopping thought or completely relaxing my body. One Arrow that recently have been usefull to me is the following four commands to yourself:

Still Mind,
Relax Body,
Feel Love,
Be One!

It's usefullness lies in the fact that it adresses all centers of the brain (body, thought, feeling) and tries to make them work without unnecessary disturbing background activity. These three first commands prooves themselves because you will notice these effects whatever Arrow you used to get to the point where all Arrows are pointing, or if it just comes to you!
My guess is that the most effective order of the first three commands are different depending on who you are, for me this order works the best.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The ball analogy

Being conscious, remembers yourself, rising your vibration level, expanding, becoming aware, are just different wordings referring to the same action. There is a point in having all these expressions, the point is that they all deviate from the truth in different directions. The truth of what the action is and how you do it is impossible to write down. So you need to understand what is lying behind all these different expressions, and when you find the thing that fits behind all these different labels you will be quite close to the truth.

Imagine the truth as a ball sitting on top of a hill. But top of the hill is not flat so if the ball deviates just a little bit from the centre of the top it will start rolling down the hill. All these different expressions are like forces that points towards the top of the hill, but from differen
t directions. So depending on where you have your ball, and how your personal hill looks like, at the moment you will need different expressions to get the ball on top of the hill and experience the truth.

The danger in all these expressions is that none of them is the truth. They can just point towards the truth. If you refuse to see this and hold on to one of your favourite expressions too firmly you will push the ball over the balance point and have it rolling down ont he other side.

If you experience a glimpse of truth after following one particular path, method or expression (we will from now on refer to any of these by the word: Arrow) you have to let the Arrow go and continue being in the truth. Otherwise it will take you away as fast as it got you there.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Love can exist on all levels: body, mind, feeling and soul. True love is fed from, and feeds, your soul and may spread down trough all vibration levels. True untainted love is unconditional and does not care about distances in space and time.

You can not love anyone to a greater extent than you love yourself, because you can not give away something you do not have. If you try anyway your love will be tainted by obligations and expectations or even angst.

Woman: fear of loosing love
Man: fear of loosing freedom

And when it comes to the Minds aspect of Love:
Love as you love a baby, this is where freedom marries love.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Surrounded by allies

Every human being around us in our daily life is our greatest aid in our quest for knowing ourself, because they are all perfect reflections of our own perfection and imperfection.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heaven and Hell, the relationship

"When you learn to love hell you will be in heaven."
-Thaddeus Golas

The danger of simplicity

"Keep things as simple as possible, but not any simpler!"
-Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Seeds of Shaughani 4

The speed of your Development depends on your level of Being and your level of Concentration. Train to rise your level of Concentration!

An analogy with moving a big pile of rocks: your Being determines how much you can carry and your Concentration determines how long you can keep going before you need to take a break. And of course you also need Understanding to be Doing the right thing. Otherwise you will be moving the pile of rocks to the wrong place!

Concentration: your ability to keep your focus and stay on a task without having your thoughts drifting away to other things, referring to both physical and mental activities. Mental activities require in general more Concentration to stay focused.

Just a Thought

Every human being is worth your unconditional attention.