Your mind works with Couplings between Mental Photos. A Mental Photo is all the impressions from your senses at one given moment. What you see, hear, feel, taste and smell. But only the parts of a Photo that are coupled to from other Photos stay with you for a longer time. Most Photos fade away entirely. Sometimes just some parts of the whole Photo is left, you might be able to recall smell but nothing more from that memory.
Your Flow of Thought runs randomly along the Couplings between these Photos. If you suddenly come to think about something and ask yourself: "Why on earth did I come to think about this". Then you often can follow the Flow of Though backwards and end up on something you saw, heard, felt, tasted, smelled or Actively Thought about just recently. Active Thinking is the opposite of the random Flow of Thought. It is something that you think about intentionally and is totally controlled by you.
So when you are learning concentration it is important that your random Flow of Thought is halted. It should be held up at a certain point. It might be something visual (like focusing on a candle flame) or a feeling (like the feeling of being Awake) or something else. As long as it is just one and the same Mental Photo. And as soon as you realize that your Flow of Thought has drifted away to another Photo you bring it back to the one Photo you were trying to focus on.
This way you create more couplings to that Photo and it will be easier to stay focused for a longer time. This is just the basic process of learning. You repeat something until you remember it. Until that particular Photo (or series of Photos that are strongly connected, like a movement pattern) has been coupled to enough time to create a strong memory.
The last thing I want to state in this Post is that the way to stop the Flow of Thought is in itself a Mental Photo. So by focusing on a candle flame you will not just learn to couple back to that visual impression, you will at the same time create stronger couplings to the decrease in Flow of Thought itself! In this way, any effort to focus on just one Mental Picture, whatever it may be, will improve your ability of staying Awake.