
In eastern teachings a Human being is depicted as a Wagon dragged by Horses. On top of the wagon sits a Man who tries to control the Horses. Inside the Wagon sits a Master who give orders to the Man where to drive. The Wagon is my Body. The Horses are my Emotions. The Man on top is my Mind. And the Master inside is my Soul. The links between these elements are as important as the constituents themselves for the Human Being to Be in Harmony.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Arrow: the Short Arrow... and related words

The shortest and most true Arrow is just one word "One". But to use it as an Arrow you need an almost fully developed understanding of the oneness of the universe. An arrow which works for me and is also very short is the phrase: Relaxed, Focus, of Love. Although being so short it still speaks to the 3 basic centres of the brain: the mental, the emotional and the body centre. But to use it as an arrow you need to have an understanding of what the centres are, what they are supposed to do and what their most natural state is.

That the Body should be as relaxed as possible in all situations is not hard to understand. Anything else causes an unnecessary energy waste and in many cases it also causes damage to the body over time.

The neutral state for the Mind is a state with no thoughts except for the treatment of input from our senses. If all other processes running in the brain are shut down you get a clearer and stronger input from your senses.

The neutral state of the emotional centre is NOT no feelings, it is actually the feeling of Love. But it is love alone, not love in combination with excitement.

When the 3 centres are working like this the human brain are working as it should and we are ready to perceive the oneness and unity of everything around us. And as always it also works the other way around. If something in our environment causes us to perceive the oneness then the brain start to work as it should, the body become relaxed and we feel love.

Living like this will keep the body and mind in good condition for a long time.