
In eastern teachings a Human being is depicted as a Wagon dragged by Horses. On top of the wagon sits a Man who tries to control the Horses. Inside the Wagon sits a Master who give orders to the Man where to drive. The Wagon is my Body. The Horses are my Emotions. The Man on top is my Mind. And the Master inside is my Soul. The links between these elements are as important as the constituents themselves for the Human Being to Be in Harmony.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Arrow: the four commands

The past year or so I have been going through a lot of Arrows (the kind of Arrows explained in the preceding post), the Arrows have been everything from phrases like "Remember yourself" amd "I Am" to actions like stopping thought or completely relaxing my body. One Arrow that recently have been usefull to me is the following four commands to yourself:

Still Mind,
Relax Body,
Feel Love,
Be One!

It's usefullness lies in the fact that it adresses all centers of the brain (body, thought, feeling) and tries to make them work without unnecessary disturbing background activity. These three first commands prooves themselves because you will notice these effects whatever Arrow you used to get to the point where all Arrows are pointing, or if it just comes to you!
My guess is that the most effective order of the first three commands are different depending on who you are, for me this order works the best.