Imagine the truth as a ball sitting on top of a hill. But top of the hill is not flat so if the ball deviates just a little bit from the centre of the top it will start rolling down the hill. All these different expressions are like forces that points towards the top of the hill, but from differen
t directions. So depending on where you have your ball, and how your personal hill looks like, at the moment you will need different expressions to get the ball on top of the hill and experience the truth.

The danger in all these expressions is that none of them is the truth. They can just point towards the truth. If you refuse to see this and hold on to one of your favourite expressions too firmly you will push the ball over the balance point and have it rolling down ont he other side.
If you experience a glimpse of truth after following one particular path, method or expression (we will from now on refer to any of these by the word: Arrow) you have to let the Arrow go and continue being in the truth. Otherwise it will take you away as fast as it got you there.