
In eastern teachings a Human being is depicted as a Wagon dragged by Horses. On top of the wagon sits a Man who tries to control the Horses. Inside the Wagon sits a Master who give orders to the Man where to drive. The Wagon is my Body. The Horses are my Emotions. The Man on top is my Mind. And the Master inside is my Soul. The links between these elements are as important as the constituents themselves for the Human Being to Be in Harmony.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Back to the starting point, with a different point of view

Up until the last week I had not posted anything here for a long period of time. During this time I have been trying many different tricks and mindsets to clear my mind. All in the purpose of seeing as much of the World as objective, and as unstained as possible. I have been viewing the World trough many different windows, inside many different residences. Sometimes with great efforts and at a high prize. I have been like a game piece completing one round in a game of Monopoly.

And now I'm back at the starting point. Just a few days ago I started Seeing the same way as I saw things before this period started. That is: to See without loosing sight of yourself Seeing. As soon as you focus on something the focus goes in two directions, one towards the Object and one towards the Observer (you). As I'm writing this, the sensation of this type of focus is very strong! It brings you Awareness of Yourself, ie. Consiousness. This together with the fact that this came back to me without effort, without me looking for it, makes me believe that is type of Seeing is worth looking for.

If you are not too confused by the last sentance you might be wondering if the detour around the whole gaming board was necessary. Coming back to square one after all the efforts felt a bit frustrating at first. Until I realized that, although this point is the same as before, my view from this point has changed. The character in this difference is due to the way I got here. The first time it was through reading a book and making an effort in trying to follow certain instructions. Now it just came.

But I believe that both the efforts of getting to square one in the first place, and the efforts and prize I had to pay around the gaming board to get here again, were necessary for this realization to come effortlessly. I had to be aware of this mindset to get to it again. And in Your reality, square one is not the same square if You, the observer, have changed!

This round is now completed, and I made some good investments on the way. This round has definitely paved way for less efforts in the round I'm starting now. I have learned that Effortlessness is brought with the currency of Efforts. This is especially clear in the plane of physical activities: you make efforts and train a movement, and then you can do it effortlessly. But the transition from one state to the other is far from clear, and you might take detours on your way there.

To Expand = to Enrich

I Am inside the whole World, but only My World is inside of Me.
I want to make My World as objective as possible.
That is, as close to the whole World as possible.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The Desire to get rid of all Desires is the hardest Desire to get rid of.